AromaReflex Reflexology in Surbiton:
Support for Natural Fertility, IVF and Pregnancy

Maternity Reflexology

Support during Pregnancy, Labour and the Post-Natal period

<b>MATERNITY REFLEXOLOGY</B>. newpregnantphoto

Pregnancy & Labour

During pregnancy your body will go through significant changes - these changes will affect the emotional, hormonal and physiological balance of your body. Receiving reflexology during pregnancy may help to alleviate and prevent some of the usual discomforts arising from this imbalance - it will also allow you time away from your busy life and a place where you can focus purely on yourself and your growing baby.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence from women who feel they have benefitted from reflexology throughout their pregnancy and in fact two studies have shown that reflexology in pregnancy significantly reduced pain during labour(1), reduced the length of the first stage of labour(1) and improved quality of sleep in post-natal women(2).(See below)

How many treatments will I need?

In the first trimester you may want more regular treatment especially if you're feeling particularly anxious or nauseous - thereafter, if you're feeling good, I usually recommend once a month up to 28 weeks, then fortnightly to 35 weeks and then weekly until baby arrives.

First trimester
Reflexology can be hugely supportive during the initial weeks and especially helpful for addressing:

  • anxiety and tiredness
  • nausea and sickness
  • mood swings and hormonal imbalance

    Second and third trimester
    Most of the discomforts of early pregnancy have gone, however as the baby grows you may begin to experience other physical symptoms. Your stress levels may rise as the birth becomes more imminent. Reflexology can be used for general well-being or to address other health issues as they arise such as:-
  • headaches/dizziness
  • sleeping problems
  • fatigue
  • pelvic and lower back pain
  • achy joints
  • fluid retention (ankles, feet and hands)
  • constipation

    Regular reflexology will help you relax and offers a wonderful way to connect with your baby.

    Labour preparation
    Although there is no evidence that reflexology can induce labour, the general view is that it will help support the body to prepare for labour and promote relaxation at a time when anxiety levels are often high.

    Reflexology is powerfully relaxing helping to calm the mind, aid sleep and ease tension as you prepare for your big day.

    As your due date approaches you may find it useful to visit more regularly.

    Ultimately your baby is totally in control of when they arrive but my experience shows me that babies tend to come when Mum is feeling utterly relaxed and calm and this is where reflexology really comes into its own!

    "I am finding more and more that many of my clients are coming for reflexology on the recommendation of their midwife - in the last trimester and especially once they've reached their due date and are waiting for the first signs that baby may be coming! My clients report that reflexology is very nurturing and supportive during this time of preparation and anticipation."

    Appts. available 10:30am-7:30pm weekdays & 10am-3pm alternate Saturdays

Click here for the Association of Reflexologist's Support for Pregnancy video on YouTube where a client explains the benefits of reflexology.


Post natal care

You've been through one of the most colossal experiences in life - especially if you're a first time mum! Reflexology may help you to cope with the demands of caring for a new baby and be of great support as your body recovers balance and the menstrual cycle returns to normal.

  • helps relax and calm the mind
  • helps relieve tension
  • aids sleep
  • improves mood
  • improves overall sense of well-being

    I have also found it to be particularly soothing where there have been issues with the following:
  • post natal blues
  • inadequate lactation
  • engorged breasts
  • urine retention
  • backache
    "Many of my clients have found reflexology incredibly calming and restorative at this time. I am very happy to visit you at home with my reclining chair. Alternatively you can come to me with baby in their car seat. Both these options work best during nap time."

    (1) VALIANI M ET AL (2010) Reviewing the effect of Reflexology on pain and outcomes of the labour of primiparous women. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 15(Dec) p302-310

    (2) LI C-Y ET AL(2011) Randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of using foot reflexology to improve quality of sleep amongst post partum women. Midwifery. 27. p181-186

    Maternity Reflexology

    Initial Consultation and Full Treatment (approx. 75 mins) £82
    The consultation will include taking notes on your pregnancy to date, your general and medical history and lifestyle.

    Follow up treatment (60 mins) £66

    Reflexology can be safely and effectively used throughout pregnancy if given by a fully qualified and experienced reflexologist. There are certain contra-indications to maternity reflexology treatments - in these cases reflexology may not be suitable. Please get in touch if you require any further information. Reflexology should not be used as an alternative to seeking medical advice. If you suspect any problems in your pregnancy it is important to contact your doctor or midwife.

    Click here to visit The Association of Reflexologists


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